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Finding Strength

ISBN: 1945011033


Life is full of surprises. Sometimes those surprises are wonderful and sometimes they are horrific. Raising her beautiful daughter, Lindsey, on her own with the unending support of her best friend and her husband, Anna was happy. Until one night….she wasn’t.
Tragedy struck, tipping Anna’s world into a downward spiral of despair. Her world turns dark and bleak and she sinks further into depression. Her friends try to pull her out of her misery, but it’s Jacob Caulder that saves her, bringing her back into the light.


ISBN: 1511824042



Life has a funny way of getting us to where we ultimately belong. Even if that isn’t what we had pictured for ourselves. Talon had it all, or so he thought. A nice home, a great career, a wife whom he loved more than life itself. For most, it takes a lifetime to achieve your dreams, but for some, those dreams are achieved early with determination and hard work. That was Talon.

But one tragic accident would strip him of everything. Kimberlyn is a single nurse, who spent the last three years of her life scraping by to save enough money to buy her dream home. That dream home brought her to Talon. When Kimberlyn enters the picture, can she help put the pieces of Talon’s life back together? Or is he already too far gone?

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